Tag Archives: flash fiction

Pygmy Giant

I am proud to have my piece of Flash Fiction ‘Pebble’ published by Pygmy Giant.

I wrote this piece during a workshop with Nicholas Royle, who edits the great ‘Best British Short Stories’ collections, published by Salt. So I should really credit his inspiration too. Thank you.

Hope you enjoy.




I have come across a great website called 99fiction where the editor publishes mini flash fiction pieces and short poetry of 99 words or less.

It has been fun trying to make my writing concise enough to fit the criteria and is something that, I think, every writer should try.

They have kindly published two of my pieces over the past few weeks.

Take My Picture http://99fiction.tumblr.com/post/39231820288/take-my-picture-by-vicki-bartram


Bruise http://99fiction.tumblr.com/post/40014174636/bruise-by-vicki-bartram


I’d love it if you would have a wander over there and check them out. There are some really good creepy pieces on the site too. Have a read of this little gem *shudders* http://99fiction.tumblr.com/post/33829769777/lips-by-david-hartley


Thanks 🙂